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347 entries.
Christine Christine wrote on 23/11/2014 at 17:19
Sehr schöne Kirche!
Inge Inge wrote on 12/11/2014 at 23:11
Hallo Annette! Vielen Dank für die tolle Tour am 7.11.14 durch Schwabing. Wir haben viele neue Ecken in München kennengelernt. Besser hätten wir es nicht antreffen können. Danke das Du Dir die Zeit für uns genommen hast.
Mirijam Mirijam wrote on 12/11/2014 at 08:16
Unser Greet ist zwar schon einige Zeit her, aber noch einmal ein ganz herliches Dankeschön an Sylvia und Yvonne für einen wunderbaren Spaziergang durch die Stadt! München hat uns unglaublich gut gefallen und hat nach dem Greet einen ganz anderen Eindruck hinterlassen. Es gibt viel zu entdecken, viele schöne Anekdoten und Lieblingsplätze, die man als normaler Tourist womöglich nie wahrnehmen würde. Wir haben uns wohl gefühlt und kommen bestimmt noch einmal wieder! Dorothee und Mirijam
Melissa Fleitmann Melissa Fleitmann wrote on 05/10/2014 at 09:32
Hallo liebe Greeter, unser herzlicher Dank geht an Ramona die uns total nett durch die versteckten Ecken und Straßen der Maxvorstadt geführt hat.So hatten wir die Möglichkeit München mit Kinderwagen ganz individuell zu erkunden.Wir sind begeistert und würden am liebsten jeden Stadtteil mit einem Greeter kennenlernen.Ganz großes Lob an die Organisation,echt ne tolle Idee.Wir können nur jedem empfehlen München auf diese Art zu erkunden. Melissa und Christian
Quizzy Quizzy wrote on 06/09/2014 at 20:01
But he DID leave something in Munich though: the left bone of his shoulder is still shown in Munich's City museum. You don't believe this? Look out by yourself!
Vicente Vicente wrote on 01/09/2014 at 18:46
Ich habe Yvonne getroffen. Sie ist wirklich nett und gut informiert, 100 % empfehlenswert. Wir haben uns Haidhausen angeschaut, ein ganz schnuckeliges Viertel. Ich bin Spanier und lerne Deutsch und Yvonne hat immer sehr klar und deutlich gesprochen, ich habe sie sehr gut verstanden. Wir haben ein sehr nettes Gespräch über deutsche Landeskunde geführt. Ich habe die Erfahrung so toll gefunden, dass ich mir überlegt habe, in meiner Stadt (Palma de Mallorca), eine Greeter Gruppe zu gründen. Danke Yvonne 🙂
Hilke Bock Hilke Bock wrote on 13/08/2014 at 20:41
Liebe München Greeter, meinen ganz herzlichen Dank an Yvonne für die wunderschönen Stunden die wir zusammen verbracht haben. Wir haben uns so toll unterhalten und ich habe auf sehr liebenswürdige Weise spannende Dinge über München erfahren, die in keinem Führer stehen. Genauso hätte ich mir einen idealen Greet gedacht. Wir in Hamburg sagen : komm als Fremder und geh als Freund, und genauso war es. Danke und ganz liebe Grüsse von Hilke aus Hamburg
Francisco Francisco wrote on 27/07/2014 at 20:24
Yesterday it was my girlfriend's 30th birthday. We wanted to do something special in Munich and celebrate it as she deserves. So we decided to go to the terrace of the Bayerischer Hof. The terrace is beautiful and the views are awe-inspiring. But the service is disastrous. The prices are clearly higher than in other bars or restaurants and for this reason we were expecting a sublime service. Well nothing is further from the truth. When we got there, we had no reservation, so we asked if they had any free table for 2. A waiter told us the terrace was fully booked, but we could sit on any table that gets available on a certain side space on the terrace. So we waited. When a table got free we sat. A waitress came to us and told us someone was already waiting for that table, so we apologized, stood up and kept on waiting. Some minutes later another table was going to get free and another couple came and took it before we could react. We were expecting the waitress to tell them that table was reserved for us, but she didn’t. I asked her to do her job and tell those customers that that table was for us, but she kept on arguing with us and tried to avoid doing her job. Instead she told us to take the next table that gets free. I got a little annoyed and I finally convinced her to do her job. She went to the table and said something to the other customers but they did not stand up and let us sit on the table that was theoretically reserved for us, which means that she didn’t do her job as she should have. She did not apply the same treatment to us as she did for the previous customer. She applied preferential treatment to the previous customer. That is unfair, rude and unprofessional. Luckily another table got free some minutes later and we could finally sit. We ordered beverages and food. The waiter brought the beverage for my girlfriend and 5 minutes later the beverage for me. As far as I understand, he should have served both beverages at the same time, especially when it comes to an exclusive restaurant. Some minutes later he brought the starter. The food was very good. The Carpaccio was fantastic. When we finished the starter, the waiter took around 20 minutes to bring us the main dishes, which I found way too long indeed. The main dishes were tasty and special. When we finished having dinner, we chatted for a while and felt like going home, so we ordered the bill. The waiter took 30 minutes to bring it. Unbelievable. He decided that picking up glasses and cleaning other tables was a priority. After 15 minutes we ordered the bill again and he said it was already ordered in an unpleasant tone. This was not true, because he was the one in charge of printing the bill at the cash. He didn’t apologize for the delay. When we finally got the bill, we paid and in order to show our dissatisfaction, we decided not to tip. At this point, the waiter did not take his chance either to apologize and he didn’t even say goodbye. The waiters from Bayerischer Hof are not professional waiters. They are arrogant students that have not received the proper training to serve customers that pay high prices for beverages and food. It is shameful that with such high prices, they do not hire more professional waiters or at least give them proper training. There should be more waiters on the terrace to reduce the time to serve customers or if you want to create an exclusive atmosphere, you should not let some many people in at the same time. That is a serious fault of the management from Bayerischer Hof. We were expecting to have a great time and an exclusive experience on Andrea’s 30th birthday at Bayerischer Hof, but it turned out to be certainly unpleasant. I have to admit that, when we have dinner at regular restaurants, we pay 1/3 of what we paid at Bayerischer Hof, they treat us a lot better and they serve us a lot faster.
Helene and Steve Gabelnick Helene and Steve Gabelnick wrote on 17/07/2014 at 13:19
We spent a very enjoyable three hours with Elisabeth on June 20, 2014. She guided us around the Marienplatz area and also provided much information which was helpful for our plans for the next four days in Munich. I am a Chicago Greeter and appreciate the entire Greeter Program.
Cathy Cathy wrote on 15/07/2014 at 22:39
The morning with our Greeter, Yvonne, was one of the best we experienced on our trip to Munich/Germany. She was informative, down to earth and just a delight. She showed us around the area close to our hotel so that we could explore it later at our leisure. On this day we were also joined by another lady, so sorry cannot remember her name, who was going to become a Greeter. She was also very informed , extremely nice and also helpful. She will be an asset. She took us over to the English Garden to show us the surfers. A big THANK YOU to both of these lovely ladies for a memorable time in Munich.
George and Linda George and Linda wrote on 14/07/2014 at 13:38
We sent a short notice request for a Greeter who would ideally speak English and a great lady by the name of Paula came forward. We met at the Feldherrnhalle and Paula who has excellent command of the English language showed us the delights of the parks of Munich, esp. the Englischer Garten and some of the places wheresome of the local people live and eat and are merry. That was just what we had asked for…to get a flavour of the city and its people from a real person and not a guide book. Paula is, of course, exceptional with a very interesting career and a cosmopolitan outlook on life. What an asset to the Greeters and a great ambassador for Munich. As so many have said before, our Greet was the highlight of our stay in Munich, many thanks Paula.
Andy Andy wrote on 12/07/2014 at 11:17
Historisch nicht bewiesen, das stimmt. Dennoch geht man davon aus, dass Erbshäuser die Torte als erster produziert hat. Konditor Rottenhöfer starb bereits ein paar Jahre davor und Konditor Seidl produzierte sie erst kurz darauf. Von daher geht man gemeinhin davon aus, dass Erbshäuser der Erfinder der Torte ist. Vermutlich hat es sich damals um einen Trend gehandelt, einer der Konditoren hat die Torte erfunden und alle anderen Konditoreien Münchens haben sie schnell kopiert.
Allyson Allyson wrote on 08/07/2014 at 23:41
Wow! This was the best day of our trip to Munich. Andy was a wonderful greeter, sharing all kinds of details of the city we never would have known. Great stories not just about the past but also about what it's like to live in Munich today. Prior to my trip, Andy provided suggestions of things to do and during the trip, he made great suggestions for restaurants and Bavarian things to take home as gifts. Lucky for us, we also had Yvonne join us, who sent us to the most delicious chocolate shop! It was great discovering Munich with such enthusiastic ambassadors. Thank you Munich Greeter!
leafina leafina wrote on 06/07/2014 at 17:34
Hallo! Die aussage, dass die Prinzregententorte in der Konditorei Erbshäuser erfunden wurde, ist falsch. Es kommen drei Konditoren in Frage, einer davon ist die Konditorei Erbshäuser. Wer genau die leckere Torte erfunden hat, ist historisch nicht belegt! wrote on 06/07/2014 at 15:34
Hallo Christine, vor zwei Wochen hatten wir das Vergnügen und den außerordentlichen Glücksfall Dich als Greeterin zu bekommen. Nicht nur, dass es für uns sehr interessant war das "alte München" kennenzulernen, nein, es war uns auch eine große Freude, Deinen unterhaltsamen Ausführungen zu folgen. Deine Begeisterung für Deine Stadt hat sich auch auf uns übertragen. Kurz um: Es hat uns sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Deine Offenheit und Herzlichkeit waren einfach klasse. "Daumen hoch" und eine echte Empfehlung. Ganz liebe Grüße aus Bielefeld, Tanja und Oliver
Colm mac Oireachtaigh Colm mac Oireachtaigh wrote on 03/07/2014 at 18:21
Sara und Markus, We have forgotten until now to write a review. We had a wonderful morning meeting you both and walking the streets of Munich seeing sights we never knew existed. Thank you so much for your time, and the Bavarian food was indeed sehr lecker. We are planning our next trip to Munich already. Colm and Dearbhla
Sylvia Roth Sylvia Roth wrote on 24/06/2014 at 23:11
Hallo Monika, vieeeelen herzlichen Dank nochmal für die tolle Führung durch das "Inviertel", gewürzt mit eigenen Gegebenheiten aus deinem "Erwachsenwerden" hier! Es hat Lust auf mehr gemacht…. Und wie gesagt, die Felsenkirche bei uns ist nicht immer verschlossen!
Dani Dani wrote on 17/06/2014 at 14:25
Also, wenn ich in die Großstädte der Welt fahre, fliege oder schleiche, dann ist mein Marco-Polo Reiseführer immer dabei! Ich mag keinen anderen! Gruß Dani
[…] es gibt ein weiteres Phänomen, auf das man im Frühjahr in München relativ häufig treffen wird.Den Föhn. Wir haben bereits über diesen warmen Fallwind aus den Alpen, berichtet. Der Föhn bringt gutes Wetter und warme Temperaturen, so dass man manchmal bereits sommerliche […]

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